A Goblet of MagPop!

IMG_8918 Business demands, children demands, husband demands, cleaning demands, cooking demands, laundry demands, social demands, personal demands, demands, demands, demands!!! Everyday. Sound familiar? I know I’m not alone. I love my family and I love my job, without them my life would feel empty and without purpose, but somedays I feel like my head is going to explode! It’s a pretty normal thought, and it is very common to hear women say “let’s crack open a bottle of wine” to unwind from a stressful day. I felt this way for years and often poured myself a habitual glass of wine during…

Stress-Reducing Dark Chocolate Bark

Homemade Dark Chocolate Bark Chocolate is a feel-good food. When we are stressed or feeling low in energy, this is one of the most common foods we crave as it boosts our mood and evokes the same feelings as when you are in love. Many chocolate bars on supermarket shelves have a high amount of  refined sugar, poor-quality oils and artificial ingredients, which can lead to mood disruptions, weight gain and further stress! When you have a chocolate craving, try this Homemade Dark Chocolate Bark. With simple, wholesome ingredients you can reach for a small piece of this and feel good after.   Homemade…