Organic Apple with Magic Sprinkles

Parenting isn’t always glamorous. I spend a lot of daily energy making sure my kids bowels are churning at optimum efficiency. Poo-regularity is a serious business in our house for many reasons. 80 percent of the immune system is found in the digestive tract. Regularity means better absorption of important nutrients for their growth and efficient elimination of waste.  I always have organic apples in the house for an easy snack. Apples contain a great assortment of antioxidants and one (with skin) contains four grams of fibre. I kick-up the fibre content of this snack with “magic sprinkles” aka chia…

Weighing Your Options

It’s no surprise that most people are constantly fighting with their jeans to fit.  We eat more, exercise less, rely on packaged foods rather than whole foods and have higher stress levels than ever before. Most importantly, we have ignored the messages our body’s are trying to tell us. We have lost the ability to distinguish the signals of failing health and then get surprised when an illness pops up. We then expect that someone else should fix us, and get frustrated when it takes too long or can’t find the answers to your health dilemna. At what point do…