Springfree CONTEST Win A Trampoline!

  IMG_4546 I can safely say that we’ve spent almost all but two days (we were away) doing something fun with our Springfree trampoline since school was out for summer. We jump, play tag, put the sprinkler underneath on hot days, have dance parties, dunk hoops, play interactive video games and exercise to some pretty intense workouts (thanks to Tgoma) and we’ve gazed at the stars while lying down on the trampoline at night.   I’m able to be in my garden longer and get some outside tasks done without a “mama, mama play with me!” every three minutes. The boys…

Coconut Kiwi Chia Pudding Recipe

Chia pudding is a energy-boosting, velvety tasting, good-for-everyone snack/dessert or even meal (if you make it with the right ingredients) I make at least one batch every week and change up the flavours. Chocolate is usually my favourite, but I decided to change it up this week. I’m SO SICK OF THIS BONE CHILLING WEATHER, so I made a tropical-tasting chia pudding to add some sunshine to our food. Watch this video for the recipe! <3 Miranda…

Nature’s Sour Skittles & Caramels

http://youtu.be/9__NBUDHoyk Kids love sweet foods! Obviously this is not ground-breaking news of any kind. But what is ground-breaking is that kids can enjoy sweet treats in a healthy way. Their first taste of sweet begins in utero with amniotic fluid, which contains fructose, glucose, fatty acids and amino acids. As a result babies are born with a preference for the sweet taste of mother’s milk. This initial stage of nurturing creates a safe and comforting feeling that is associated with the sweet flavour. This soothing feeling from sweet foods lives with us into our adult years. You might find yourself…

Organic Apple with Magic Sprinkles

Parenting isn’t always glamorous. I spend a lot of daily energy making sure my kids bowels are churning at optimum efficiency. Poo-regularity is a serious business in our house for many reasons. 80 percent of the immune system is found in the digestive tract. Regularity means better absorption of important nutrients for their growth and efficient elimination of waste.  I always have organic apples in the house for an easy snack. Apples contain a great assortment of antioxidants and one (with skin) contains four grams of fibre. I kick-up the fibre content of this snack with “magic sprinkles” aka chia…

Steamed “Pickled” Organic Kale

Steamed greens are an immediate ewwwww for most kids.  So, how do you get your child to eat this leafy powerhouse? You have to make it relatable in some comfortable and known way. Replicate a texture, flavour or appearance of something that your child likes. Like many kids, my son loves pickles, so I took the flavour element sour and used lemon and apple cider vinegar to give him the pucker-sour taste he loves. He describes all sour foods as tasting like pickles so when I introduced kale to him I said it tastes kind of like pickles. He also…

Welcome to the Polka Dot Plate Blog

There’s nothing that makes me happier as a mom (and a Nutritionist) then when my kids eat well. The Polka Dot Plate blog shows you a glimpse into my world as a mom instilling excitement and education into my four year old about healthy food. Within the past four years we’ve been through many dietary changes. One day he loves eggs, the next day he HATES them. At two, he would happily eat sardines for breakfast (true story), but now Sardines are soooo not happening. Like all aspects of parenting, getting my son to eat healthy foods has taken creativity,…